大周列国志农田兵舍水利怎么建造 城防建设攻略

来源:7881软件网 时间:2021-04-06 11:55:19

Sword Man是一款横版闯关类手游。玩家游戏中可以收集各种物品来制作和升级你的剑。物品也可以通过在商店打开箱子获得。玩家还可以通过升级武器来突破英雄成长的极限。每个装备都有自己的力量,对于每一个不同的装备,各种效果和皮肤应用。那么,你会选择哪一种装备?明智投资!你升级装备越多,你在危险冒险中的力量就越大。一起来这个世界冒险吧!



Halloween is coming! If you haven’t tried the Trick and Treat mode of Sword Man, join the event now for huge rewards!

We also bring to you:

* Updated UI for Iphone X display.

* Fixed the dead-pixels in the maps.

* More in-game rewards to progress further and faster.

* A training section each zone to try all fully upgraded swords.

* New background music and sound effects.

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